Trinity International College

Collegiate Events

Central to our legacy of excellence are key annual college events uniting the Trinity Family and giving the College an incomparable touch. They orient our students towards meeting expectations and developing distinct, engaging, and positive personalities.

These cardinal features of College life are an extra edge that sustains our students wherever they may study or work as evinced by our alumni. That is why those who join us soon appreciate why being at Trinity is so special and so worthwhile!

Welcome Programme

Welcome programmes at Trinity are organized by senior students for their newly-inducted juniors. Senior students candidly exchange their experience at the College and exhibit their talent in diverse ways such as speeches, songs, instrumental music, dance, drama, and even humorous caricature. This enables the new comers to feel even more at home in the still-new College for them and thereby become an integral part of the student community. These programmes are an extremely refreshing experience for all concerned – students, teachers, staff members – due to the enjoyable recreational activities and memorable hospitality offered by the College at select venues. Such programmes greatly unify the Trinity Family giving it a cherished distinctiveness! 

Orientation Programme

Trinity Orientation Programmes, initiation events that familiarize new students with their peers, faculty & staff members of the College, are conducted before the commencement of each academic session for +2, Cambridge International A Levels & First Year students of undergraduate programmes (BSc CSIT, BBM, BCA, BBS & BA).

These students get to know the approach of the College towards their course-wise education, and help them understand the nature of the College, educational opportunities available, institutional teaching-learning styles, values and functions of the College community, and the central objective of the academic endeavour.

During these orientation programmes, freshers are told about all services and facilities including clubs and societies offered by the College as well as students’ rights and responsibilities. Essentially, the programmes attempt to bond new entrants with the academic, cultural, and social ethos of Trinity developing a sense of belonging to the Trinity family.

Academic Excellence Awards

Committed to academic excellence and all-round personal development, Trinity invariably identifies and suitably awards its overall and subject toppers. Grade XI & XII students who do well in the NEB +2 Examinations are given Academic Excellence Awards in rousing functions. Similarly, we hold biannual functions for awarding the academic achievement of A Level students in the CIE through Academic Excellence Awards. The Roll of Honour, updated annually, is where the names of the top achievers are proudly and prominently displayed so that other students are motivated to perform as well as they can and to stimulate the overall academic milieu.

Graduation Programme

An annual celebration, the Graduation Ceremony is open to all students graduating during the academic year. This occasion is a solemn yet warm farewell. Important aspects of the programme are keynote addresses by eminent academicians that highlight immediate educational, career, and life prospects for Trinity graduates. Further, valedictory speeches bind all those present to the unforgettable Trinity experience. Graduates, families, and friends are cordially invited and invariably appreciate all the thoughtfulness that goes into organizing and conducting this grand event at a life-changing juncture in the graduates’ lives. The College awards outstanding achievers like overall and subject toppers among boys and girls during the Ceremony followed by a get-together and informal exchanges.

Autumn Camp

Introduced in 2016, our Autumn Camp proved to be a fine opportunity for Trinity students to be engaged in and explore areas of their interest. More than 150 students participated in the Autumn Camp fruitfully utilizing their vacation.

The College gave them exposure to and the experience of diverse beneficial activities during the Camp. Activities included a field visit with music, dance, writing, paintings & arts, as well as singing & games.

Career Counseling Symposium

Our Symposium helps individual students figure out who they are and what they want out of their education, career, and life. Having a career choice in mind steers a student’s search for the right college majors, which, in turn, guides the choice of the right college. It’s been seen that career-focused students are confident, motivated to persist, and earn their degrees on time. Counseling related to this Symposium covers further studies options, institutional search, scholarships or grants, and career exploration. Organized by the Counseling department, this programme is meant for both current students and Trinity alumni. Medicine, SciTech, Engineering, and Management professionals tell students about further studies’ and future careers’ prospects in Nepal and abroad. All in all, Trinity’s Career Counseling Symposium provides valuable opportunities for students.

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