Trinity International College

Online Extempore Competition 2022

Online Extempore Competition 2022

February 01, 2022

The Second Intra-College Online Extempore competition (English/Nepali) will be held on 12 February (Magh 29, 2078). Interested students can register their name by filling up the given form.


(Please copy and paste the link on new browser to open it)

Registration Deadline:        Wednesday, February 09, 2022 (Magh 26, 2078).

Event Day:                            29 Magh (February 12), 2022

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Registrants can take part in only one language.
  2. The topic to speak about will be given to each participant at the spot.
  3. A time limit of 45 seconds will be given to the participants to think and prepare about the topic.
  4. The maximum time for the speech will be 3 minutes.


What is the meaning of extempore?

The meaning of extempore is spoken or done without preparation. Also, it is an adverb that means on the spur of the moment; without premeditation or preparation etc.

How do you prepare for extempore?

The sole factor that will help you ace extempore is mental preparation. It is very much essential that are familiar with the topic you are delivering, have firm command of your speech and flow. Also, keep practising that will help you understand the audience.

What are the dos and don’ts of extempore?

First of all, you don’t have to choose such topics on which you feel your colleagues have nothing to say. You also need to love the loudness and chaos of a group of students in the classroom.

How do you end an extempore?

Here are some of the quintessential techniques you need to follow for closing a speech or presentation. Some of them include a direct call to action, very short or anecdote, call-to-question, contrast, quotes etc.

How do you crack extempore round?

In order to crack this road, it is very essential that you jot down some points and trending topics then start presenting your views in front of a mirror. Record the same in a cell phone. 

Speech is the expression of your thoughts through verbal or oral communication. It can be prepared effectively with extempore speech and speaking skills. We hope that you have enough Extempore topics to prepare.


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